Tips and Recommendations
Pre-operative instructions for all patients
During your initial consultation with Dr. El-Hakim, Dr. Makhoul or Dr. Gigliotti, you will discuss what to expect before, during, and after your surgery. A list of pre-operative instructions will be provided to help you properly prepare and to ensure that you have a successful procedure. If an unforeseen circumstance requires you to change or cancel your scheduled appointment, we ask that you provide us with a 48 hours notice.
Do not ignore a head or a chest cold when oral surgery is to be performed. Call immediately if you have any of these symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pain or generalized fatigue. A change of appointment may be necessary.
On the day of the surgery, be sure that a responsible person accompanies you to your appointment. It will be necessary for this person to remain at the office during surgery and to drive you home.
Don’t forget, someone must stay with you the day and the night after your surgery.
Plan on resting the remainder of the day of your surgery, and anywhere from 1-3 days after depending on the difficulty of the procedure. Additional days may be required before you might be able to return to work. Please discuss this with our office ahead of time.

On the day of the procedure:
- Don’t take medications unless prescribed by or approved by your surgeon, especially sleeping pills, tranquillizers, or aspirin.
- Don’t take your morning medications as usual, unless otherwise instructed by your oral surgeon.
- If you have to take any medication, take it with a small sip of water and as early in the morning as possible.
- Don’t drive for 24 hours after surgery.
- Don’t smoke for 24 hours before your surgery.
- Don’t wear jewelry, including tongue studs, earrings and rings.
- Don’t wear fingernail polish or acrylic fingernails.
- Don’t wear contact lenses.
Important things to remember
- This is very important in assuring safety during anesthesia, and your cooperation is crucial. You must not eat for eight hours before your surgery, which means no food, gum or candy. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation of your surgery as it can be life-threatening.
- You may drink clear liquids (water, apple juice, etc.) up until 4 hours prior to your arrival time at the office.