Why do we need to remove wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth is the common term to describe the 3rd molars or the 8th tooth on each side of our jaws. In some patients, they can start erupting as early as the age of 12 or 13, while in others it may not happen until the early twenties. The arrival of wisdom teeth is often associated with a short episode of discomfort that settles once the tooth finally erupts into its final position.
Although most people develop and grow their permanent adult teeth without any issues, a lot of wisdom teeth are unable to erupt and function properly because the underlying jaws are too small to accommodate them. When inadequate space prevents wisdom teeth from erupting normally, they are called impacted, indicating their inability to erupt into the proper position. Impacted wisdom teeth can grow partially angularly, horizontally or vertically eventually leading to bacteria build-up in the vicinity of the tooth and to potential infections. An impacted tooth is also prone to decay as it cannot be properly brushed.
If you do not have enough room in your mouth for your third molars to fully erupt, a number of problems could happen. Impacted wisdom teeth should ideally be removed before their root structure is fully developed since problems tend to occur with increasing frequency after the age of 30.
Some of the possible problems related to impacted wisdom teeth include:
The most frequent clinical problem seen is a localized infection of the gum called pericoronitis.
Without enough room to erupt, the gum tissue around the wisdom tooth becomes irritated and infected, resulting in recurrent pain, swelling, and problems with chewing or swallowing.
Damage to Adjacent Teeth:
Where there is limited space, impacted wisdom teeth can affect neighbouring teeth.
If there is inadequate room to clean around a wisdom tooth, the tooth directly in front, the second molar, can be adversely affected resulting in gum disease, bone loss and even decay.
Cyst Formation:
Non-infectious diseases may also arise in association with an impacted wisdom tooth.
Cysts are fluid-filled “balloons” inside the jaw bone and develop as a result of impacted teeth, slowly expanding and destroying adjacent jaw bone and occasionally neighbouring teeth.
Possible Crowding:
Impacted wisdom teeth may contribute to crowding of your teeth.
This is most noticeable with the lower front teeth and is commonly seen after a patient has had braces. Unless you have an active problem, the reason for removal is primarily to prevent long-term damage to your teeth, gums and jaw bone.
What happens when wisdom teeth are removed?
Before surgery, at the time of your consultation with your oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. El-Hakim, Dr. Makhoul or Dr. Gigliotti, will take the time to tell you what to expect in detail, advise you on how to best prepare for your surgery day and discuss the best treatment plan for the removal of your wisdom teeth. This one-on-one consultation with your oral and maxillofacial surgeon is a good time to ask questions or express concerns you may have. It is especially important to let your surgeon know about any illness you have or medications you are currently taking.
During your consultation, your oral surgeon will explain the treatment process in detail and help you select an anesthesia option that is right for you. Most wisdom teeth extractions are performed at the M3L oral and maxillofacial surgery clinic under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Your oral and maxillofacial surgeon will discuss the anesthetic option that is right for you ahead of the procedure. Our board-certified anesthesiologist works diligently with M3L’s surgical team to offer patients a comfortable and painless surgical experience.
Before you have your wisdom teeth extracted, your surgeon, Dr. El-Hakim, Dr. Makhoul or Dr. Gigliotti, will take X-rays to locate the teeth and determine whether or not they are impacted. Wisdom teeth removal is a routine oral surgery procedure performed in our M3L office in Vaudreuil-Dorion. The relative ease with which wisdom teeth may be removed depends on several conditions, including the position of the teeth and root development. Impacted wisdom teeth may require a more complex surgical procedure.
The expertise and technology set-up at Maxillo 3 Lacs clinic allow patients to undergo wisdom teeth removal in a manner, which promotes rapid healing and minimal post-operative discomfort. As well, state-of-the-art sterilization and infection control techniques are used at all times.
What Happens After Surgery?
Following surgery, you may experience some temporary swelling and mild discomfort, which are part of the normal healing process. Cold compresses may help decrease the swelling, and the medication prescribed by your M3L oral and maxillofacial surgeon will also help manage the discomfort. In addition, following surgery, our team may instruct you to modify your diet temporarily and recommend you progress slowly towards your regular diet.
Everybody is different and therefore their surgical recovery will also be different. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons usually advise a recovery period of 5 to 7 days if you are undergoing surgical removal of your four wisdom teeth. This will be discussed in detail with you at the time of your consultation and a medical certificate will be provided, if needed, to cover the entire length of your recovery following your surgery.
A treatment plan that meets your needs and your exact oral requirements will be devised in partnership between you and the M3L surgical team. You couldn’t ask for a team more trustworthy to take care of your wisdom teeth. Contact our M3L office today to set up your consultation.
Call (514) 395-9896 or contact us using our online form.