Same Day Surgery & Consultation

Based on your needs our surgeons may be able to provide your surgery on the same day as your consultation, saving you time and travel, while providing the same level of excellent care and comfort. Your surgeon will review your chart and determine if you are a good candidate for a same day surgery. If you are eligible you will attend your consultation appointment with our surgeon and anesthesia care team, where the entire procedure will be discussed with you. You will have a chance to discuss your treatment, anesthesia options and ask all of your questions/concerns with the team at the time of consultation. Once the consultation is complete, you will be ready for surgery and be taken to the operation room for your procedure.

It is important to remember that all same day surgery with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia requires:

  • Have an empty stomach (nothing to eat or drink 8 hours prior to the procedure)
  • Someone accompanying you to take you home (they will be required to be waiting for you during your procedure).
  • Wear comfortable clothing.
  • View our pre-op and post-op surgery information

If you are interested in having same day surgery, please ensure to fill the patient information and registration form below. If possible, provide us with your X-rays if you do not have them, we will contact your dentist.

Implantology and Maxillofacial Surgery Center

We accept new patients without a referral